Thought I'd post a few pictures of the current array of stuff.
The turntable is the original Toshiba as the one I customized has developed an annoying electrical fault.
The Cambridge CXC transport is doing sterling work along with the Musical Fidelity X dac and V3 tube buffer.
The latest change is in the amplifier department, the Musical Fidelity A3 has gone and I'm now using the Nakamichi CA 5 as the pre amp and not just as a phono stage and the Proton AA 1150 DMC power amp. I really like the strength of the sound and the surprisingly delicate delivery from the Proton. And it's got great big VU meters, very pretty.
Speakers are still the Mordaunt Short Signifiers, I can't see me parting with them any time soon.
The last photo has the Musical Fidelity amp in it which has now gone.

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