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Thread: Electrical Safety Advice

  1. #1
    Join Date: May 2008

    Location: Lancaster(-ish), UK

    Posts: 16,937
    I'm ChrisB.

    Default Electrical Safety Advice

    Art of Sound Electrical Safety Advice

    The Art of Sound is an open forum for music lovers and a place where all members can share their views on music and the equipment used for its reproduction.

    The forum also caters for those who are interested in the DIY aspect of everything related to the audio replay chain, and therefore there will always be a healthy number of DIY articles and discussions in threads across the forum. Given the number of these, it is not possible to monitor or moderate all technical aspects of posts made by members.

    The Art of Sound would therefore like to remind all who read such articles that while we encourage discussions on all audio related DIY we cannot and will not accept liability for the information given on any DIY related matters contained in any thread or posts herein.

    We strongly advise extreme caution when considering any modification or building projects described, especially those concerning any mains voltage related upgrades, earth modifications and/or any other high voltage related modifications or building projects.

    Unless you are suitably qualified or otherwise capable of carrying out such modifications/suggestions, then we strongly advise you consult qualified personnel.

    We would also like to remind all our members and readers that some or all of the modifications found within the threads and posts of the forum may not be legal in certain countries and therefore advice on the legalities or otherwise should be sought before carrying out such modifications.

  2. #2
    Join Date: Jul 2010

    Location: North Cambs UK, Earth, Sol, Orion - Cygnus arm of galaxy

    Posts: 11,166
    I'm MadeOfDeadGiantStarsThatExplodedEonsAgo.


    Ah, EU rears it's ugly head once again

    Must agree though, it's only advice & i'm only an advice columnist
    Bests, Mark

    "We must believe in free will. We have no choice" Isaac Bashevis Singer

  3. #3
    Join Date: Jan 2009

    Location: Essex

    Posts: 33,114
    I'm openingabottleofwine.


    This is an eminently sensible warning and precautionary advice.

    Most DIYers here will be sufficiently knowledgable to undertake these modifications safely. However others may simply see some of these suggestions, and thinking them a good idea, may try them for themselves without really knowing what they are doing, or of the safety implications.

    To repeat the highlighted portion of the cautionary advice, when it comes to anything involving the mains

    Unless you are suitably qualified or otherwise capable of carrying out such modifications/suggestions, then we strongly advise you consult qualified personnel.

  4. #4
    Join Date: Mar 2014

    Location: Co. Durham

    Posts: 125
    I'm Nigel.


    May I add a safety warning regarding the batteries sometimes used in HiFi equipment?

    A friend recently suffered some nasty chemical burns after removing a leaking Nickel Cadmium battery from his radio tuner. He needed hospital treatment for the burns which took some time to heal, but thankfully didn't need a skin graft.

    The electrolyte in rechargeable batteries is strongly alkaline, (KoH or Potassium Hydroxide), and WILL cause burns. In the case of Nickel Cadmium cells there will also be cadmium ions, which are toxic.

    Likewise the electrolyte from alkaline cells is, err, strongly alkaline.

    Needleless to say gloves and safety specs should be worn whenever handling this stuff, and hands must be washed thoroughly afterwards and before eating.


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