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Thread: Any knowledge on voice activated clay pigeon trap release

  1. #1
    Join Date: Jan 2016

    Location: Argyll and Bute

    Posts: 487
    I'm Colin.

    Default Any knowledge on voice activated clay pigeon trap release

    This is possibly a bit out there for blank canvas but thought that there may be some knowledgeable people who can possibly assist.

    So I have attached some images of what looks to me like a small PA speaker . My colleague uses these as a mic I suppose. They are wired up to allow shooters to activate the trap. The issue is that they seem to be very susceptible to damp and regularity fail. It’s apparently a common fault and other shoots use the same methods.

    So has any body any ideas to find a more reasonably priced alternatives or some alternative that is more weather resistant.

    Sorry this a bit of a strange query but there is a vast knowledge pool out there so worth a try



  2. #2
    Join Date: Apr 2011

    Location: cheltenham

    Posts: 747
    I'm matt.


    If it were me, I'd try taking it apart to see why they are failing, and if the driver was still working, I'd also measure the driver specs to 'possibly' help narrow down a replacement.

    If not, there must be loads of speakers designed to use outdoors. I've taken the kids to outdoor zoos and alike, where they have outdoor speakers set up permanently.

    I suppose the other option is to build some sort of weatherproof cover. I'm imagining a large horn shaped box to help capture any sound. Perhaps with downward angled slats on the front to keep out driving rain.

  3. #3
    Join Date: Jan 2016

    Location: Argyll and Bute

    Posts: 487
    I'm Colin.


    I took it to pieces and it has a cardboard type gasket which I think will become damp or wet. The diaphragm appears to be like a plastic material . Apparently when they are enclosed they still fail. Which I think will be dampness affecting this gasket. But thanks

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