In my opinion i would referb them, 1st off if you bugger them up they haven't cost you anything but your time and some materials, and 2nd you may improve on the sound and make em look as good as new too, also if you liked them when you 1st got them there's no reason you can't get them to sound better by changing the caps and inductors as well as improving on the internal wiring. i referbed my speakers recently you can read about what i did here

With regards to recapping, it's quite easy just take the crossover out of the cab make a note of the values for the caps and get some new ones ordered, i recently referbed my Castles and used Ansar polly's and was astounded at the difference they made, you can get em from here

also get yourself a good soldering iron as that will make the job a lot easier, desolder each cap at a time and replace with a new one, so you don't make any mistakes