Library Scans
I'd like to draw your attention to a new section in the Art of Sound Library area. This has been a long time coming and has presented a few difficulties along the way, not least a large investment in time, but it's finally here!

So, we've got Sales Brochures, Owner's Manuals, Service Manuals, Price Lists and suchlike on offer for your perusal.

The information provided here is not meant to be a definitive body of work, but more like something from which a much bigger resource will grow. I'm extremely grateful to Jon(boy) who provided the material. From the huge wealth of things he provided, I selected some products which are true hi-fi milestones and added to them a fairly random mixture of other things that might represent the range of what we'd like to see appearing in this area.

All files are in PDF format.

If you have anything that you'd like to scan and donate, then let us know. I will start a thread in the Library Cafe to allow you to do this and also to provide updates on what has recently been added.

So get scanning folks!

Oh........and I'm not going to give you a link to this new area - you should find it yourself, that way you might have a poke around in the rest of the Library, while you're there!