Hello All,

At Marco's request (advisement) I am on here to reintroduce myself to the forum.

I was a regular on the Yahoo Spendor users group for some years and have been into audio since my early teens.

For years I was a close friend to Amar Biswas (before he went rogue) and Glenn Croft of the then Eminent Audio.

After an accident I was encouraged to learn something new (as it was no longer possible to pursue my career as an electronics engineer).
So I retrained as a web and graphic designer and produced websites for Eminent Audio, Classique Sounds, Icon Audio, The Funk Firm and later Croft Acoustics.
Also I formed a company adapting cars for other wheelchair users working under a franchise with a supplier of adaptive driving aids Techmobility based in Colchester.

A few years ago a serious illness meant that I had to give up all of my business interests as I was hospitalised for the best part of a year.

For the last two years I have been heavily involved in a disability related charity Flying Scholarships for Disabled People and last year was awarded a scholarship to attain a light aircraft pilots license (LAPL). For me a lifelong dream to learn to fly was accomplished.

Recently I have been working again with my long time friend Arthur Khoubesserian on a very exciting new project which I recently introduced to Marco and which I see has already been announced exclusively here on A of S.

Full disclosure! I am a cable guy (don't shoot!) For years I have been developing and manufacturing my own range of interconnect cables, mains leads, digital and speaker cables.
Which are currently branded Pink Triangle (although that might change), so far I sell via personal contacts and word of mouth. Discussions are IP with Marco who may be kind enough to review some time in the future.

Mainly I am here to promote and discuss Funk's new offering and the latest revelation from the mad scientist himself Arthur Khoubesserian the "Houdini" which is truly magic and the cause of great excitement on our part as it truly delivers great sound.

Some more about the Funk Houdini in the magazine ad which I have produced earlier today. Also visit http://www.thefunkfirm.co.uk for latest news and product offerings. We are currently very busy with everything that a new product launch entails.

Also please join our Facebook group https://www.facebook.com/groups/1189164577798708 for all latest news and updates.


Over to you for any comments or questions.

Best Matt.