Quote Originally Posted by Marco View Post
Hi Russell,

Haha, yup! For me, the whole point of having a fast bike or a car is to listen to the sound of the engine (engine note), and enjoy that, as you're riding or driving it. It's certainly the whole reason why I fitted a bespoke quad exhaust system to my car, so I can enjoy the ROAR, as I accelerate!

Therefore, most of the time when I'm driving, even the music is off, for that purpose. I'd certainly have no interest whatsoever in interacting with a smartphone, unless someone important was calling me, and then I'd always find a safe place to stop to ring them back - but that would be it.

That's exactly why I wouldn't have them, even if I was still working. As far as bosses are concerned, they've got my full attention for as long as I'm contracted to work, and longer if they pay overtime, but after that MY time is MY OWN (or that of my friends or family)!!

Lol, I get that, but you see that's when I'd probably read a magazine, as usually in those places there are some good car magazines lying around, so I'll read those, or perhaps CHAT TO SOMEONE, who wasn't an iZombie!

Unfortunately it's not, and it's also bad manners and rather rude.

That's why kids these days [not all, but many] have such low-attention spans, poor manners, and often find it difficult to interact with people in 'real world' situations, simply because they're more comfortable typing to folk, than speaking to them face to face. And it can lead to rather reclusive and insular behaviour.

I can't see them growing out of it any time soon either, as it's not only them doing it, but also their parents, so we've now got generations of people brought up with mobile phones, and latterly smartphones, being an integral part of their life - and it's only going to get worse, in terms of technology controlling *you*, rather than vice versa.

Indeed! And that's my biggest problem with things like smartphones: 'Big Brother watching you', and insidiously and surreptitiously drip-feeding you with mind control. You may laugh, but I assure you it's happening - and has been for some time!!

Often those who scoff at such a notion, are those who are worst afflicted. Rarely do we see ourselves as we *really* are, and often we don't like to acknowledge or admit the unpalatable truth....

Marco let me relay a short story that happened just the other day. My smart phone was laying on the table, in standby, on but black screen. I have an iPhone, and I do not use Siri, I don’t want my phone talking to me. So, we were having a discussion, and we wondered what was up with almond milk? How do they make Almond milk? So, I said I’ll Google it! I picked up the phone went to Google’s home page and typed in, “how do they make......”, and the predictive text’s first option was “How do they make Almond Milk”. Is there any doubt that my phone in the off position was ease dropping on our conversation? No doubt in my mind.

(Incidentally, they crush them up into powder and add water.)
