Hopefully find attached some spectral views from a couple of transfers I did earlier this summer for comparison. The views are for a few seconds from the start including the lead in grooves to where the music starts. The LP was an old bootleg with a fair degree of surface noise.

The first image was for a transfer using an LP12/Ekos/AT-F7 into a Nakamichi CA5E preamp. The second was for an AR XA with Linn K9 into a Kinshaw Perception SA phono stage.

The LP12 version starts with just the phono stage hiss followed by a thump/clicks when the tonearm is lowered onto the record. There is then a degree of noise due to vinyl roar and crackle and towards the right the music starts to fade in. For the XA version there is some horizontal banding mixed with the hiss. This banding is a very low level hum that is only audible if I turn the volume to max but has proven annoyingly stubborn to remove. Rumble if present would be most pronounced and visible at the lower frequencies during the lead in.