This month's Album Club choice come courtesy of Oliver (Bigman80) with Nirvana's 'Unplugged'. As always please listen to the album in its entirety before you comment and/or vote.

Nirvana – Unplugged (Vinyl)

I've spent 20 years with this album. I first heard it on a school trip to Germany in 1997. From that day to this I still love it. There's an eerie intimacy to this recording, dark but involving. It's very rare any singer would allow his vocals to be so exposed, no auto tune or redubbing of this album. Its just a raw performance.

For me, side two is where all the magic happens, a group riding high in the charts, selling out venues worldwide and a lead singer/songwriter battling the effects of drug abuse and a manipulative wife all seem to be portrayed as "therapy" into a haunting cacophany of emotive music. Winter seems to draw me to this album, lights lowered, fire on and it just me and Kurt Cobain, displaying his anguish beautifully.

Performance wise, the band are tight and well practiced. It's as good a performance I've heard anywhere other than "The Who – Live at Leeds" and there's a very simplistic quality to the performance. Nothing elaborate, just music in its purest form – Live

Have a listen, rate it and enjoy.........hopefully!