Quote Originally Posted by Macca View Post
I don't really know why you are bringing this up. You have one of his amps and like it, is that not enough? Fact is John Wood handled that situation very badly from a customer service point of view and had the opportunity on several occasions to put his version of events in Court and did not bother. Nor did he comply with the Court's ruling. How he handles these things is, of course, up to him, but hardly surprising that he experienced some blowback from it.

The fact that the purchaser in that particular incident auctioned the amp for charity just to be finished with the whole deal would indicate to me that his motive was not to get an amp for free, since he ended up a grand out of pocket and with nothing to show for it.
I am simply saying that for every 100 deals that go right, it is not fair to focus on the one that went wrong, it distorts the overall impression of the man and his work, as the WAM and PINK FISH threads attest to - there are plenty of recommendations for this brand. FACT!

I am bringing this up because someone needs to show the brand in a different light, as it's not all bad, as the 'WOE' thread seems to suggest! Anyone reading 'the woe' thread should NOT be put off purchasing a WOOD AMP, because of it!!