Quote Originally Posted by Dynamics View Post
But you forget the reasons for going into these countries intilayy were distinct from Isis which has come about after, but you also ignore that Isis groups have killed more civilians than any western forces. As to the rubbish about oil, I don't believe in conspiracy theorists. This was said around the time of going into Iraq, despite the entire political agenda of many countries around a desire to remove leaders such as sadaam hussein. They went in with the aim of removing him. I don't suppose you know if these countries have benefited from oil anyway.

And as to other conspiracy theories about governments being involved in Manchester let me shoot that down too. Unless you haven't realised, these terrorist incidents have happened all across Europe, so is there some form of multi government conspiracy. It gets even more far fetched.

And it is distressing and offensive to write this. What do you suppose the survivors, family members or relatives think, or those that have experienced terrorist incidents (like me on 7/7) think when they read this sort of bad ignorant views, going back to my earlier post around page 7
Try actually reading my posts before replying....

As far as Manchester goes well for a start I didn't mention it... But i will now. The completely OTT blanket news reporting on all media, interviews with grieving relatives etc etc is exactly what the terrorists want to see. We are playing into their hands. We should just keep calm and carry on. There was no OTT hand wringing etc when similar atrocities were perpetrated by the IRA.
That some atrocity such as this was on the cards has been known for a long time. There is no rational reason why it should change anything, but this whole thing is now being used for political capital in the forthcoming general election and being used as an excuse for racism and religious intolerance by dick heads.