Hi all, not been on here for ages and just checking in.

I've just upgraded my system with a new amp and dac.

My Marantz pm 6010 ki just wasn't cutting it driving my Kef C60's nor was the cheapo Soundblaster usb sound card as a dac soooooo....

I've just bought a NAD C352 (for a great price) and an Arcam rdac and well gosh the old Kef's have come alive, I can't remember the last time I heard something so musical, gave them the old Sultans of Swing test (flac) and I don't remember hearing so many different instruments so clearly defined in the track, bit of Kate Bush's Running Up the Hill wow so atmospheric and even streaming deep house from Soundcloud (1daytrack.com have some cracking laid back mixes) sounds crisp and clear with lovely controlled bass.

I am a very happy boy and I've not had the NAD above 9pm yet on the dial.

So now I feel I need to do it some justice and replace the speaker cable, nothing pricey (I'm in trouble for the NAD as it is, I only disclosed the rDac purchase) , any good value for money recommendations for my set up?

Thanks in advance guys and here's to my renewed interest in listening to music!