I have a couple of the 2x2 Kallax racks, they were perfectly solid when full of vinyl and did a great job of keeping the room tidy. The only downside was that I played less records, I've always had my collection in rows on the floor, leaning against the wall (using wood to ensure a flat contact surface). So when I'm looking for a particular record to play I flick through the rows and always notice something else I want to listen to as well. When I had them in racks and could only see the edge of the plastic covers they are in, I found myself thinking of the album I want to listen to, pulling that one out and not really seeing anything else around it, and having a terrible memory (very terrible memory), I ended up listening to less and less vinyl. Now they are back on the floor in rows and I'm once again flicking through them it's great fun finding things I forgot I had.

I appreciate that my record collection is a great deal smaller than some of the collections here, and rows doesn't suit everyone, but racks didn't work for me.