Hi Nigel,

Barry informs me that you'd offered to write a review for the Album Club this week, and despite him trying to contact you, as you've reneged on that arrangement, he's received no response. This is completely unacceptable.

I understand if something's come up that's prevented you from honouring your commitment, but then at least let Barry know (preferably in advance) so that he can arrange cover. No to do so, and then ignore his subsequent communications, I'm afraid, is the height of bad manners

In future, there will be a rule (which I'm just about to sticky at the top of this section of the forum) outlining that when you volunteer to review an album for the Album Club, then do your utmost to produce it, but if for whatever reason you can't, then you *must* inform either Barry, myself or one of the moderators, ASAP (before the due date of the review), so that alternative cover can be arranged.

Failure in future by any member to do that latter, will result in one week's ban. The only way that the Album Club can work, is if folks do their utmost to produce the review promised or advise us in good time if they can't.
