Paul - yes I have seen Marks build thread on another Forum, like you say fantastic build quality and attention to detail.

Mark - Thanks for the heads up on the stickers.

Mike - I find Troels x-over builds a bit of a gamble. He seems to build whatever the program suggests and does not experiment much beyond this. Programs only get you in the right ball park and a lot of tweaking by ear and measuring is usually needed after that. Also he didn't even realise that the stock caps (7x 3.5uf) in the mid range and the single 2.7uf in the Tweeter filter are not electrolytics, which doesn't inspire confidance. There is the point allready made that he is in the business of encouraging the purchase of Jantzen parts, for whom he is a major share holder if not out right owner.

I agree the wire used internally could do with upgrading, especially from x-over to bass driver and the wire from binding posts to x-over is a joke, one strand of copper as thin as that used on telephone or CAT5 twisted pairs, what were they thinking?