oh dear, I seem to have opened up a can of worms....

I hope no one thought my previous post was written in anger, or as a personal attack, because that's not how I meant it at all...

I just meant it as an observation... For example Nirvana, another one of the bands cited as massively overrated. Again, I like them, I became aware of them (like most) around the time of Nevermind, and he is the victim along with many others of "Becoming a rock martyr was the best thing he could have done for his record sales and reputation blah blah blah blah"
Codswallop. They were the biggest band in the world well before he topped himself, and they are so often cited as overrated, that they've become underrated IMHO.

Another point raised was the fact of not liking a band/artist because of something that they've said or done... For example the John Lennon/IRA thing.
I personally try to distance myself from the personality/politics of the musician... My girlfriend for example refuses to listen to anything that Sting ever did, including The Police, and Oysterhead, because of something he said about the unemployed in the 80s. So he's a tosser, he's still a great singer. I have been one of the few that never stopped listening to Michael Jackson, even throughout the Anti Semite, paedophile business. Rock n Roll part 2 by Gary Glitter is a good record
Axl Rose, jesus! where to start! racist, homophobic, a complete arsehole, but great music nonetheless!
Consequently, I don't hate U2, because Bono is an smug, arrogant toss pot, I hate U2 because they make terrible bland music.

Again, please don't take this as an attack, I don't want to be an AOS pariah, I've just got here and I rather like it

Oh and hamish, I still like the Deftones and Coal Chamber for that matter, I'm off to trash my bedroom and cut myself!