Conversation Between scoobs and jimkjr

4 Visitor Messages

  1. Scoobs
    Thank you for all of your responses,really appreciated!
  2. Hi scoobs
    Were you able to translate the link you sent me from Japanese to English? I can't sem to do it.

  3. Hello scoobs
    Thanks for the quick reply,and the link.BTW did you have any mods or upgrades to the DP80?
  4. Hello scoobs
    Writing from the USA.I noticed in one of your posts that you mention your DP-80 bearing being refurbished.Is this possible?I thot that those bearings like the bearings in the DP-6000(which I have) were sealed saphire bearings,or am I wrong?
    Thank you
    Jim Kolessar
Showing Visitor Messages 1 to 4 of 4